This week I took it upon myself to create a Custom Console for my venerable Nord Lead 1 rack in Digital Performer 10. This custom console allows you to control your Nord Lead 1 from within DP. Use it as an editor, or record the changes as automation in your song. Note that this not able to save preset patches in the NL1. You will need to do a sysex dump into a free app like SysEx Librarian. This console is also useful if the knobs or buttons on your hardware unit is kaput, and you still want to access the controls.

To install these consoles into your DP project refer to page 729 on the MOTU DP User Manual. I’ve paraprhased the instructions below:
To load Consoles into an open file:
- Choose Load from the File menu.
The standard open dialog box appears. - Click the file containing the assignments you
wish to load, then click Open.
Alternatively, you can double-click the file name.
Digital Performer’s Load dialog box appears,
displaying the file name at top.
This is a work in progress, so if you have made any changes to the project file or have suggestions, feel free to reach out.